Sunday, October 28, 2012

Weekly Update

Text Reminders:
If you would like to receive text reminders about field trips, school delays, etc. please text @sigmon to (657) 999-1294.

This week we will be taking a break from our regular math homework.  We will be sending home some "Spooky" Fun Math! :)

I am considering cutting down on homework.  I feel that 2nd graders should have more time spent on extra curricular activities, family time, or just time being a 7/8 year old child.  Please fill out this form and give me your opinion on homework!!  Click here to fill out the form.

Upcoming Events:
November 5th - 9th - Penny Wars
November12th  - No School -Veteran's Day
November 13th  - Math Night/Pizza and Bingo Night 5:30
November 21st - 23rd- Thanksgiving Break

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Weekly Update

October 16th - Student-Led Conferences from 3-5 p.m

The school is holding Student-Led Conferences from 4-6 on the 16th, but I need to leave by 5:00, so I will be holding our Student-Led Conferences from 3-5.  Your child can't wait to share what they have been up to so far this year!!  Hope to see you there!! :)

October 18th - Box Tops

Turn in your Box Tops!!  The next collection will be on Thursday, October 18th.  

Hope you have a great week!!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Weekly Update

This week we will be preparing for our Student-Led Conferences.  We hope you can attend the conferences on October 16th from 3:00-5:00!

October 11th and 12th - No School!!