Beginning of the Year Information

Reading 3-D and Dibels are the assessments used to determine where your child is in the reading process.  These assessments test your child's reading level, fluency, phonics ability, and other reading skills needed for second grade.  Your child will be tested each quarter and the results will be sent home or reviewed at conferences.

Please sign up to be a volunteer if you feel you have the time to spend in our classroom.  I need parents that are willing to work one-on-one with students on reading, writing, and math objectives.

Please give your child medications such as Tylenol at home.  If your child has  been prescribed medication that needs to be given at school, please fill out a medication form and return to me.

Visitors must sign in before entering classrooms.  Please go to the office, sign in, and get a badge or sticker before visiting our room.  This is for the safety of our students.

Please let me know how your child goes home each day.  If this changes throughout the year please write a note; otherwise I am required to send your child home the usual way. 

Field Trips:

As field trips arise I will send home permission forms, information, and field trip prices before.  We will ask for chaperones before each trip.  If you would like to chaperone, you may drive separately or carpool to the field trip site (siblings will not be allowed to attend).  Please make sure you complete the volunteer form as soon as possible.

Feel free to bring in a snack for our class to celebrate your child's birthday.  We will pass out the snack during lunch.  Please make sure the food is in its original package.

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