Friday, December 13, 2013

Christmas Around the World

The 2nd grade classes had such a great time studying Christmas Around the World this year.  Your child should be coming home with their scrapbook as well as their QR code boarding pass!

Here is a picture of the many items we created this week.

Here are a few pictures from our tasting party.  Thank you so much to the parents who sent in items to make this party possible!!  They LOVED it!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Weekly Update December 9-13

Christmas Around the World

This week the 2nd grade classes are participating in Christmas Around the World.  They have QR code boarding passes to find out which country they will be visiting each day.  Ask your child what they learned about Germany, England, Sweden, Mexico, and the United States Christmas traditions.

We will be having a tasting party on Friday.  Here is a list of the items needed for this tasting party:
Honey Buns
Little Debbie Gingerbread Cookies
Tortilla Chips

Please let me know if you are able to send in items.  I am also sending a note home today regarding the needed items.

Gingerbread Houses

Next week we will be building gingerbread houses in order to review math concepts.  A note will be going home later this week with needed items.

Winter Party

We will have our Winter party on December 20th from 1:45-2:15.  Our grade level parents will be contacting parents about needed items.

Upcoming Events:

December 13th: Tasting Party
December 18th: Gingerbread Houses
December 20th: Winter Party

Monday, December 2, 2013

Weekly Update - December 2nd-6th


This week we will be continue guided reading using Christmas themed books.  We will be discussing the overall structure of the story.

Next week we plan on having Christmas Around the World!  We will  also have a tasting party that week.


This week we will continue composing and decomposing numbers (regrouping).  Please look over the parent letters and talk to your child about the skills being learned.


This nine weeks we will be focusing on weather.  Talk to your child about the tools used to measure weather (rain gauge, thermometer, etc.).

Upcoming Events:

December 3rd:  Santa Shop

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

First Tee Field Trip

Our class had a blast on our trip to the First Tee Field Trip!!  They were so well behaved and worked hard on their golf skills as well as life skills! :)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Field Trip

We will be heading to the First Tee Program in Charlotte on Tuesday, November 19th.  We plan on leaving by 8:30 and returning around 2:30.

If you did not sign up for a school lunch, please make sure your child has his/her packed lunch that morning.

**The golfing rotations will be outside, so please make sure your child is dressed appropriately! The weather forecast for Tuesday is party cloudy and 57 degrees.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November Information

Report Cards:

Report Cards went home yesterday.  Please make sure you look over the report card, sign the envelope, and return the envelope to school.  You may keep the copy of the report card.  Let me know if you have questions or concerns.

Field Trip:

We will be attending a field trip on Tuesday, November 19th to the First Tee National School Program in Charlotte.  The permission form should be in your child's Communication Folder this afternoon.  Please make sure you read the permission form carefully.  There are 3 boxes at the bottom of the form:

1. I give my child permission to attend.
2. My child will bring a lunch from home.
3. My child will need a school provided lunch.

Please make sure you check the box giving permission to attend the trip AND check a box indicating how they will get lunch.


AR Goal Dates:
November 18th:  25%
December 6th: 50%
January 3rd: 75%
January 22nd: 100%

Thanksgiving Break:  November 27th-29th

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Report Cards & Christmas Pictures

Report Cards:

Report cards will NOT go home until November 12th.  The system is holding report cards until last year's testing scores are released.

Christmas Pictures:

Tomorrow will be Christmas Picture Day.  If you plan for your child to have his/her picture made please send in money/form tomorrow.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Weekly Update- November 4-8

Parent/Teacher Conferences:

Thank you so much to ALL our parents for meeting with me about your child's progress.  I really enjoyed sitting down with each of you and talking about the great things your child is doing each day.

Instructional Consultation:

As the Instructional Consultation Facilitator there are times I will be out to attend trainings.  I will be out tomorrow (Nov. 4th) for the first half of the day.  Our class has the chance to earn 10 marbles for excellent behavior while I'm gone.  If they earn 50 marbles they earn a party!

50 Marbles:

Our class has already earned 50 marbles for their excellent behavior (as a class) since the beginning of the year.  I dumped about 25 marbles in the jar for their amazing behavior during our PD 360 video.

We have not decided on a party, yet.  If you are interested in donating items for our party (popsicles, pizza, doughnuts, etc.) please let me know! :)


This week we will be studying Folktales.  Please talk with your child about this genre and by the end of the week he/she should be able to explain the moral/lesson of a Folktale!

It is a new nine weeks!  Please look for the new graph in your child's AR folder so you are aware of their new goal.  I plan to meet with each child this week so they can set a new goal.


This week in math we are completing a mini unit on geometry.  These concepts will spiral and we will get more in depth with geometry as the year continues.


This nine weeks we will be studying weather.  Please start talking with your child about the patterns you notice in weather as well as the different types of precipitation and the tools used to measure the precipitation.

Upcoming Events:

November 4-8th:  Penny Wars- Help raise money for 5th grade students to attend the trip to Camp Kanuga!  Send in pennies!  We want to win the war! :)

November 7th: Report Cards go Home

November 11th: Veteran's Day - No School

November 27-29th: Thanksgiving - No School

Friday, November 1, 2013

Character Trait of the Month

Congratulations to Zoey for being chosen for this month's Character Trait of the Month (honesty)!!

Here is a post written by a student in our class:

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Today our journal prompt was:  Explain how to carve a pumpkin.

We used Alyssa's journal to guide us as we carved our classroom pumpkin.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Weekly Update - October 21st-25th

Thank you so much to the parents who sent in extra headphones!!  Everyone now has a pair! :)

There are two weeks left in the nine weeks.  Thanks to Mrs. Cecil your child's AR folder to now be up to date!  Please make sure they are reading every night and completing a reader's response.

This week we will be working on solving word problems.  We will be discussing dozen, half a dozen, and pair.  Lots of hidden information!

We will continue discussing the life cycle of different insects.  This week we will focus on comparing the life cycle of two different insects or animals.

PD 360:

PD 360 will be videoing in our room for most of the morning of October 23rd.  Please make sure you child arrives on time for school that day.  We are really excited about this national recognition and want to make sure you represent Shuford well!! :)

Upcoming Events:

This week is Red Ribbon Week!
Monday - Wear Neon colors

**I don't have my yellow sheet at home, so we will write down the rest of the week in our agendas. Sorry!

October 22nd – Student Council Blood Drive (3-7pm)
October 23rd – Third Grade I.Q. Testing
October 23rd – PD 360 video
October 25th – Boxtop Collection @ 2
October 31 – Fall Party! :)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Weekly Update- October 14th-18th

PD 360:

Our class has been nominated to be featured in a video by a national company! They will be in our classroom on October 23rd to video our math lesson.  Hopefully you received the green permission form that came home Friday.  Please sign and return this form as soon as possible.

Parent/Teacher Conferences:

Conferences will be held the week of October 28th.  If you have not signed up for a conference, please click on the following link to sign up for a day and time that works best for you:


We are still short a few headphones if you would be willing to donate.  Thank you Mrs. Baker for your donation!!  I had a bunch of excited kiddos! :)

Upcoming Events:

October 21st-25th:v Red Ribbon Week
October 23rd:  PD 360 Video
October 28th-November 1st:  Conference Week
October 31st: Fall Party

Monday, September 30, 2013

Weekly Update - September 30th-October 4th

We are in need of more headphones.  Some of the headphones I purchased are no longer working.  We would be happy to take donations! :)

I am so proud of your children for their progress in AR.  I have not figured out the best system for updating stickers on their graph (no assistant help this year), but hopefully they will be updated once a week.  I would love to have a volunteer to come do this once a week!!! 

I sent home the Unit 1 Math quiz last week.  They were AWESOME!  This week we are moving on to measurement.  Today we discussed centimeters.  Ask your child to show you a centimeter using their hands (tip of their pinky finger).

We have been watching our caterpillars go through the stages of the life cycle.  They are now in the pupa stage and should be turning into an adult butterfly in the next few days.  Hopefully, you were able to check out their blogs on KidBlog!

Upcoming Events:

October 1st: Math Night - 5:30

October 4th: **Field Trip** - Please send in the permission form and $4.00 to cover the cost of the trip.

October 3rd:  Box-Top Collection

Sept 30-Oct 4th: Math-a-thon - Please send in your donations by the end of the week.

October 7th: No School

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Weekly Update - September 23-27

Wow!  We had such a busy week!  We began using KidBlog and started blogging about school events as well as using it for Science Notebooking.  Check out some of our blogs:

Thank you to Ms. Wilkinson for  sending in pirate doughnuts for Talk Like a Pirate Day!  They were delicious! :) ______________________________________________________________________________

**Progress reports will not be sent home during the first nine weeks.  However, I will be communicating with parents to let you know your child's progress so far this school year.

Upcoming Events:
September 24th: I will be participating in a Reading Focus group.  I will have a sub that day.
September 30-October 4th:  St. Jude's Math-a-Thon Week
October 1st:  Math Parent Night - 5:30
October 4th:  Community Field Trip - We plan on leaving around 8:30.  Please send in $4.00 to cover the cost of the trip if you have not done so already.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Weekly Update

Reading: I am almost finished testing!!  Yay!  I will send home a note by the end of week informing you of your child's current reading level.  Part of our testing requires us to test each child on their ability to write a response to the story they read.  This year the state is requiring our children to write to two prompts for each story read.  Unfortunately, there are some very difficult prompts.  We have students passing one prompt, but unable to answer the second prompt sufficiently.  For this reason, you may see your child's reading level has moved down a level or two.  No worries!  We will be working on writing a reading response all year!  They will definitely have a chance to improve in this area, and I look forward to watching their reading levels soar!  Thank you for your support in helping your child complete his/her reader's response at home each evening.

Math: We have gotten off to an amazing start with our Math Expressions program.  The kids enjoy getting the opportunity to be a math leader and lead a portion of our lesson! Ask your child about the Counting On strategy!

Science:  Ask your child about the life cycle of a frog or butterfly!  They should be able to give you the stages of the frog and butterfly's life cycle.

Upcoming Events for September:

11 -  Begin of Grade Test (B.O.G.) for third grade
12 – First/Second Grandparent lunch
12 – Open House @ 5:30 beginning in the cafeteria
13 – Fourth/Fifth Grandparent lunch
13 – Boxtops due date beginning at 8:30
19 - Talk Like a Pirate Day - dress up like a pirate!!  I will be! :)
20 - International Day of Peace
25 – Progress reports go home

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns (464-1973)

Monday, August 19, 2013


Wow!  I can't believe our long summer went by so fast!  I had so much fun spending time with my girls.  We have been sleeping late, hanging out at the pool, and staying up WAY too late!  Even though I have had a fabulous time with my family, I am ready to get back to the job I LOVE!  I look forward to spending this school year with a fabulous group of students!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

(828) 464-1973

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Weekly Update - May 6-10

I want to thank the parents who were able to come to student-led conferences.  We had a great turn out!  My class was so excited to share how much they have improved this year! Thanks again!

Upcoming Events:

There will be end-of-grade testing in the building over the next two weeks.  

May 7th - Shuford Family Night (5-7) 
-food, fun, and friends
-staff kickball game at 6:30

May 9th - Asheboro Zoo Field Trip
-leave by 8:30 am
-return by 5:00 pm

May 17th - AR party (met goal 3 out of 4 nine weeks)

May 20th - Field Day
-morning session (9-11:30)
-afternoon session (will begin at 12:30)
-wear tennis shoes
-put sunscreen on before school
-pack a water!!

May 22nd - Awards Day (1:30-2:30)

May 23rd - Last Day of School (full day)
-end-of-year party

I have truly enjoyed working with your children this year.  They have improved tremendously!  This group knows so much about technology and I have learned a lot from them.  Thank you so much for your support throughout this school year.  Your children are where they are today because they have wonderful parents!   I will miss them as they move on to third grade. I hope you all have a fabulous summer!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Student-Led Conferences

Dear Parents,
 We are having student led conferences on Wednesday, May 1st between 3:30 and 5:30pm.  Shuford will be holding student-led conferences on Tuesday, April 30th, however, I will be out of town for a training on that date. 

Your child will lead the conference and show you his/her progress in second grade.  This is an open house style in which you can come anytime during the above hours.   
Plan to spend about 20 to 30 minutes with your child in our classroom.  Your child will earn a free homework pass for bringing you to his/her conference.  Please plan to attend. Your child will be excited to show you his/her accomplishments. 

If you would like to meet with me for an individual conference as well, I would be happy to schedule one with you. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 464-1973 or .

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Upcoming Events

PE Week:
This week is PE Week. Our class will have PE tomorrow at 9:20. Hope to see you there!!

Math-a-thon Week:
Our school has raised over $30,000 for the St. Jude's Research Hospital. This week our school will be striving to donate even more to help out these young kids and their families.

Monday: Let's be cancer free. Donate a $1.00 for a free homework pass.

Tuesday: Let's fight cancer with our stinky feet. Donate $1.00 for stinky feet day!

Wednesday: Let's donate a hat to help these kids as they go through chemotherapy. Donate a hat or $1.00 for a hat day!

Thursday: Let's brighten their day by dressing up! Donate a $1.00 and dress up. Perfect. . . it's also spring picture day!

March 30th: No School

Monday, March 18, 2013

Seven students from our class presented at the North Carolina Technology in Education Society Conference (NCTIES).  They showcased their 21st Century Skills!

 There were featured in the Hickory Daily Record as well as The One!!

We are so proud of this group of students!!

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover

Last week Mrs. Ryhal read us the book There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover, and Mrs. Humphrey pretended that she was the old lady. When Mrs. Ryhal read out the parts when the lady ate the things, Mrs. Humphrey had a object and fed it to the lady. It was funny when Mrs. Humphrey made the lady dance and said she was doing the Harlem Shake.

By: Carson Harris

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Weekly Update - March 4-8

**No School on Friday, March 8th or Monday, March 11th

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Weekly Update February 18-22nd

Field Trip:
We have a field trip on February 22nd to see the play "Little Red Riding Hood Around the World" at the Green Room.  Please send in $6.00 to cover the cost of this trip if you haven't already done so. 

** Please sign and return the field trip permission form that should be found in your child's communication folder.

Reading Across America Week:

The week of March 4th-7th will be Read Across America Week.  We will have family reading night on Tuesday, March 5th from 5:30-6:30.  Look for more information in your child's communication folder.

There will also be another book fair for a few days that week.

AR Goal Dates:
Jan. 17th - 25%
Feb. 1st -   50%
Feb. 20th   75%
Mar. 6th   100%

Upcoming Events:
Feb. 19th -Class Pictures
Feb. 22nd - Field Trip (Green Room)
March 5th - Reading Night

Monday, January 21, 2013

Weekly Update

Unity Week:  January 21-25
Monday- MLK Holiday - no school
Tuesday- Bullies give us the blues!  Wear blue jeans!
Wednesday- Put a Lid on Gossip! Wear a hat!
Thursday- Teasing is SO Tacky!  Wear mis-matched clothes!
Friday- Shuford Unity Day - Wear Shuford shirts

Mrs. Matthews (our student teacher) has started off with a bang!  She is teaching a THRIVE group and this week she will start teaching writing.  I am so excited to have her with us full time this semester!!

Over the past few weeks we have been studying money and measurement.  Please ask your students the value of the coins and give them lots and lots of practice with counting money!

They also need to continue telling time.  Have them practice telling you the time in two ways.  They need to be aware of half past, quarter past, and quarter to.

We are now working on measuring using inches, feet, and centimeters.  They need to be aware of the correct tool to use when measuring and they should be able to estimate lengths.

Your child will become a better reader by simply reading lots and lots of books.  Please make sure your child is reading at least 20 minutes each night.  Most students have a reader's response as well.  As we complete reading assessments, we are seeing a lack in writing skills, so please take the time to help your child with their reader's response.

Hope you have a great week!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


We are in need of more headphones!  We have several students who have misplaced their headphones, or their headphones have broken.  If you would be able to help supply a pair of headphones for our class that would be awesome!!


Monday, January 7, 2013

Weekly Update

AR Goals:

January 17th - 25%
February 1st - 50%
February 20th -75%
March 6th - 100%

Report Cards go home January 8th.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Weekly Update

Happy New Year!!  I am so excited about the great things to come in 2013!!

Please make sure your child is reading his/her AR book each night.  Please sign the AR folder.

Reader's Response Prompts:  These prompts have changed.  Please make sure you go over the prompt with your child to ensure he/she knows exactly what to do.  I will be going over the prompts with each group today.

Upcoming Events:
January 21st:  No School