Field Trip:
We have a field trip on February 22nd to see the play "Little Red Riding Hood Around the World" at the Green Room. Please send in $6.00 to cover the cost of this trip if you haven't already done so.
** Please sign and return the field trip permission form that should be found in your child's communication folder.
Reading Across America Week:
The week of March 4th-7th will be Read Across America Week. We will have family reading night on Tuesday, March 5th from 5:30-6:30. Look for more information in your child's communication folder.
There will also be another book fair for a few days that week.
AR Goal Dates:
Jan. 17th - 25%
Feb. 1st - 50%
Feb. 20th 75%
Mar. 6th 100%
Upcoming Events:
Feb. 19th -Class Pictures
Feb. 22nd - Field Trip (Green Room)
March 5th - Reading Night