Monday, September 30, 2013

Weekly Update - September 30th-October 4th

We are in need of more headphones.  Some of the headphones I purchased are no longer working.  We would be happy to take donations! :)

I am so proud of your children for their progress in AR.  I have not figured out the best system for updating stickers on their graph (no assistant help this year), but hopefully they will be updated once a week.  I would love to have a volunteer to come do this once a week!!! 

I sent home the Unit 1 Math quiz last week.  They were AWESOME!  This week we are moving on to measurement.  Today we discussed centimeters.  Ask your child to show you a centimeter using their hands (tip of their pinky finger).

We have been watching our caterpillars go through the stages of the life cycle.  They are now in the pupa stage and should be turning into an adult butterfly in the next few days.  Hopefully, you were able to check out their blogs on KidBlog!

Upcoming Events:

October 1st: Math Night - 5:30

October 4th: **Field Trip** - Please send in the permission form and $4.00 to cover the cost of the trip.

October 3rd:  Box-Top Collection

Sept 30-Oct 4th: Math-a-thon - Please send in your donations by the end of the week.

October 7th: No School

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Weekly Update - September 23-27

Wow!  We had such a busy week!  We began using KidBlog and started blogging about school events as well as using it for Science Notebooking.  Check out some of our blogs:

Thank you to Ms. Wilkinson for  sending in pirate doughnuts for Talk Like a Pirate Day!  They were delicious! :) ______________________________________________________________________________

**Progress reports will not be sent home during the first nine weeks.  However, I will be communicating with parents to let you know your child's progress so far this school year.

Upcoming Events:
September 24th: I will be participating in a Reading Focus group.  I will have a sub that day.
September 30-October 4th:  St. Jude's Math-a-Thon Week
October 1st:  Math Parent Night - 5:30
October 4th:  Community Field Trip - We plan on leaving around 8:30.  Please send in $4.00 to cover the cost of the trip if you have not done so already.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Weekly Update

Reading: I am almost finished testing!!  Yay!  I will send home a note by the end of week informing you of your child's current reading level.  Part of our testing requires us to test each child on their ability to write a response to the story they read.  This year the state is requiring our children to write to two prompts for each story read.  Unfortunately, there are some very difficult prompts.  We have students passing one prompt, but unable to answer the second prompt sufficiently.  For this reason, you may see your child's reading level has moved down a level or two.  No worries!  We will be working on writing a reading response all year!  They will definitely have a chance to improve in this area, and I look forward to watching their reading levels soar!  Thank you for your support in helping your child complete his/her reader's response at home each evening.

Math: We have gotten off to an amazing start with our Math Expressions program.  The kids enjoy getting the opportunity to be a math leader and lead a portion of our lesson! Ask your child about the Counting On strategy!

Science:  Ask your child about the life cycle of a frog or butterfly!  They should be able to give you the stages of the frog and butterfly's life cycle.

Upcoming Events for September:

11 -  Begin of Grade Test (B.O.G.) for third grade
12 – First/Second Grandparent lunch
12 – Open House @ 5:30 beginning in the cafeteria
13 – Fourth/Fifth Grandparent lunch
13 – Boxtops due date beginning at 8:30
19 - Talk Like a Pirate Day - dress up like a pirate!!  I will be! :)
20 - International Day of Peace
25 – Progress reports go home

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns (464-1973)