We are in need of more headphones. Some of the headphones I purchased are no longer working. We would be happy to take donations! :)
I am so proud of your children for their progress in AR. I have not figured out the best system for updating stickers on their graph (no assistant help this year), but hopefully they will be updated once a week. I would love to have a volunteer to come do this once a week!!!
I sent home the Unit 1 Math quiz last week. They were AWESOME! This week we are moving on to measurement. Today we discussed centimeters. Ask your child to show you a centimeter using their hands (tip of their pinky finger).
We have been watching our caterpillars go through the stages of the life cycle. They are now in the pupa stage and should be turning into an adult butterfly in the next few days. Hopefully, you were able to check out their blogs on KidBlog!