Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Santa's Elves

Today during our last guided reading station we heard a twinkling sound.  It was coming from my cell phone.  We received a text message with the code PDXSO.  I put the code on the board and someone in the class thought maybe it was a Nearpod code (feel free to put it in the Nearpod app to see what our class saw).  It was a message from Santa!!!

Santa needed our help!  The toy car making elves had disappeared and he needed our class to build new toy cars.  We filled out Elf Applications and I faxed them to the North Pole during our specials.  Everyone was approved and hired for toy making!!

We were given specifications.  Our toy cars need to travel 3 feet off a ramp and they need to be able to be pushed at least 2 feet.  We got to work in pairs or groups of threes.  We built cars, gave them a test run, and then made changes to make the cars go further.

Check out the video and pictures below!  Tomorrow we will give our cars the final test in front of the class before sending them off to Santa! :)

Thank you to Santa's helpers who were able to send in Lego wheels!! ;)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Who Will Pull Santa's Sleigh

Yesterday we read the book, Who Will Pull Santa's Sleigh.  The reindeer were sick and Santa needed new helpers.

Our class applied to be one of Santa's reindeer.  Check out the application below!

After getting their applications approved, each student received a red nose!!! :)

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Weekly Update: December 15-19

Progress Reports:

I'm so sorry the progress reports did not go home Friday!!  I guess my sub did not see them because they were still sitting on the table when I got back to my room Friday afternoon.  They will go home tomorrow.  Please sign and return the progress report.  Thanks!


This week we will be spending our reading time engaged in a variety of holiday books.  We will continue to discuss the characters, setting, major events, as well as similarities and differences among experiences of these characters.


This week we will focus on word problems that have missing addends.  For example:  The reindeer played 5 reindeer games before lunch.  Then they played some more reindeer games after lunch.   They played 9 reindeer games before bedtime.  How many games did they play after lunch.

In order to provide these problems as real-world problems, the first grade team has created videos from home or school that we will use to get student help in solving this real-world problem.

Secret Activity:

I am SO EXCITED about the fun, secret activity I have planned for our students.  This is a STEM activity (science, technology, engineering, and math)!!!  I can't wait to post videos and pictures from this activity!

Mug Exchange:

Sometimes during the holiday season our students get caught up in what they want from Santa Claus or from Hannukah, etc.  We are hoping to promote kindness and giving by having a Mug Exchange!  Please send in the wrapped mug filled with goodies (no more than $5) by Tuesday, December 16th. :)

**My daughter is also in first grade, and she had so much fun picking out her items from the Dollar Tree!  

Upcoming Events:

December 16th:  Field Trip:  Nutty Nutcracker
December 16th:  Send in wrapped mug filled with goodies.
December 19th: We will have an AR party (Christmas book read aloud) for students who have 50% of their AR goal)
December 19th:  At 2:30 we will have our holiday party.

Happy Holidays!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A Few Pictures and a Video

This month we are working on cooperation.  Below you will see a video of a group of kiddos holding hands and trying to work together to keep a balloon in the air.

The students below are creating digital stories from their guided reading book!!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Weekly Update: December 8-12

This week I will only be at school on Wednesday. :(

Tomorrow I will be out with family for medical reasons.

Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday I am involved in technology trainings.

I know it's difficult for everyone when I'm out, so please bare with me and my subs as we get through the week.  They are going to do there best to keep each day as normal as possible, but I can't guarantee AR folders and planners will get signed each day.

**I've got lots of fun stuff planned for the next week to make up for my absence!!! :)

I will be checking e-mails, so please feel free to contact me with any concerns.  I know they are going to have a great week, but they are babies and I worry! :)

Upcoming Events:

December 16th:  Field Trip (Nutty Nutcracker)

**Please check out the December Newsletter under the Newsletter tab.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Weekly Update: December 1-5

I hope everyone had an amazing holiday! I enjoyed every second with my family!

We will continue guided reading groups this week with fiction text either about snow or the holidays!  We will finish up our math unit on base-ten, so we will have our test on Friday.

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday, December 2nd:  Christmas in the Park at 6:15pm in the Conover Park
Tuesday, December 16th:  Field Trip!!!  Play- The Nutty Nutcracker

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Weekly Update: November 17-21st

Needed Supplies:

There are a few things we could definitely use for our classroom if you are willing to donate.
1. snack-sized Ziploc bags
2. headphones - I have bought over 20 pairs of headphones, but they keep breaking. :(


This week during our guided reading groups we will continue reading fiction text.  We will also continue working on identifying the characters, setting, and major events.  We will also focus on retelling our stories.  Hopefully by Friday we will be ready to create a Toontastic to retell our stories!!


This week we will continue place value.  We are working on 2-digit numbers and being able to represent this number with ten sticks and circles, identify the number of tens and ones, and writing an equation for these 2-digit numbers.  Each student is getting more and more independent as they complete their math quests in the 3D GameLab!


Reader's Response: 
In order to save paper and keep responses in one place, your child will bring home a reader's response notebook inside their book-in-a-bag.  There is a sheet of paper stapled in the inside cover of this notebook.  Please have your child choose a different response each Monday and Wednesday night to respond to in their notebook.  Have your child write the date and the number of the response in the journal.  Please write your initial once you have reviewed their work.

Thank you for your continued support on math homework and book-in-a-bags!!  Almost all folders and work are being signed and returned!!  Thanks again!! :)

Upcoming Events:

Monday-Friday (November 17-21)- Book Fair
Tuesday, November 18th:  I will be absent in the morning (half a day).
Tuesday, November 18th:  Math Night (5:30-6:30)  *The Book Fair will be open late this day.
Friday, November 21st:  Last day to order Spirit Wear!!

November 26-28th:  No School

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Weekly Update: November 10-14


This week we will focus on identifying the characters, setting, and major events of our story.  Feel free to go over those same concepts as you read books at home. :)


This week we will continue counting by tens and learning the tens and ones place.  We will continue working through our quests in the 3D GameLab.  I have been impressed with how quickly this class has picked up working with technology!

Please Turn In:

The following items were sent home and need to be returned to school, please:

1. Field Trip Permission Form and $6.75 to pay for our field trip to the play, The Nutty Nutcracker
2. Absent letter - the school sent home a note about the number of times your child has been absent so far this year.
3. Report Card Envelope- Please sign the back of the report card envelope and return to school.

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday, November 11th:  Veteran's Day - No School

Thursday, November 13th:
Dance Performance:  There will be a dance performance on Thursday from 6-7 at the Newton-Conover Middle School for 1st - 5th graders.  

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Weekly Update: November 3-7

Student Teacher:

On Wednesday, November 5th, Samantha Feimster from Lenoir Rhyne University will begin her internship in our room.  She will come every Wednesday until winter break.  After break she will be in our room full time for five weeks.  We are so excited to have her in our room!! :)


This week we will be studying text features in non-fiction text.  For example, we will discuss photographs, captions, and headings.  This week we will be studying about earth materials during our reading block.  We will also participate in science investigations during this time.


This week we will finish up our unit on Story Problem Strategies.  We will take our test on Wednesday.  We will then move on to study Base-Ten Concepts.

Penny Wars:

This week our school will participate in Penny Wars in order to raise money for our 5th graders to go to Camp Kanuga.  Pennies are positive points and silver coins (nickel, dime, quarter) are negative points or BOMBS!! Haha!  You child can bring change in order to participate.  If you don't have change, the fifth grade teachers will exchange cash for coins in the morning. :)

The winning class wins a pizza and a movie party!!! :)

Upcoming Events:

November 3-6:  Penny Wars
November 6th: Report Cards Go Home

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Weekly Update: October 27-29th


This week we will continue working on retelling.  We will be reading LOTS of Halloween books this week!  We will also carve our classroom pumpkin, complete pumpkin observations, and a writing activity.


I'm excited about our fun Halloween graphing activity this week as well as other Halloween stations.

This is a short week!  Only a three day week!  Thursday and Friday are workdays, so0oo. . . NO SCHOOL! :)  

Upcoming Events:

October 27th:  Fall Make-Up Pictures
October 28th:  Chuck E. Cheese Night (3-9)
October 29th: Fall Party 2:15-2:45
October 30th and 31st:  No School

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Red Wolf Farm Field Trip

We had an amazing time on our field trip!!  Thank you to the parents who were able to chaperone this trip! You help was appreciated!! :)

Monday, October 20, 2014

Weekly Update: October 20-24

I was out of town today, and I will also be out of town tomorrow.  I am attending a conference as a member of our School Improvement Team.

Field Trip:

This is just a reminder that we have our first field trip October 24th to Red Wolf Farm.  We plan on leaving by 8:15, so please make sure your child is on time for school.

If you plan on chaperoning this field trip, please meet us at Red Wolf Farm in Maiden, NC by 9:00.  Please purchase your ticket upon arrival.

8:15- Buses will leave Shuford to head to Red Wolf Farm
9:00-10:15- Wagon ride and animal tour at farm.
10:15-12:30-  We will rotate groups and visit the corn boxes/tractors, the playground, the maze, and the pumpkin patch.  We will eat lunch in the picnic area.

We will be back before the end of the school day.


This week we will begin focusing on retelling a story including the characters and setting as well as a beginning, middle, and end.  Please focus on this skill as you read with your child each night.


We are working on solving and creating story problems (addition and subtraction).

Student Pictures:

If your child is retaking their pictures then they MUST BRING BACK THEIR FIRST PICTURES AND TURN THEM IN WHEN THEY TAKE THEIR SECOND ONES. This helps to ensure that they get the same package but different picture! 

Blood Drive:

Our school Blood Drive is tomorrow, October 21st, from 3pm to 7pm.  We would LOVE to have your support!

Upcoming Events:

October 21st:  Blood Drive
October 24th:  Field Trip to Red Wolf Farm

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Weekly Update: October 13-17

Thank you to those who were able to raise money for our fundraiser!!


This week we will continue guided reading groups.  We will be using pumpkin books as we focus on retelling stories with a beginning, middle, and end.


This week we will continue working on addition and subtraction, but we will begin looking at equations with an unknown number.  Here is an example word problem:

There were 7 pumpkins on the porch.  3 of the pumpkins had been carved for Halloween.  How many pumpkins have not been carved?

Math Quests:
We will continue working through our math quests.  Last week, I let them use the entire station time working through quests. . . not my best plan!! Haha  This week we will go back to our three math stations, but one station will be working through their quests.  Here is what our quest looks like.  Feel free to download the Nearpod app and put in the codes to see what we are working on in class! :)

I've also added "Must Do" and "May Do" columns.  Hopefully, this will help students save game time for last! :)

Click here to check out the Webquest.

Classroom Parties:
Don't forget to complete the form below!!!

Upcoming Events:

Monday, October 13th – K-1 Parents invited to eat lunch with students.

Wednesday, October 15th:  I will be out for the second half of the day.  I have been asked to sit on a district committee that afternoon.

Friday, October 17th:  Ident-a-Kid

October 21st:  Student Council Blood Drive!!!

October 23rd:  Box Top Collection

October 24th:  Red Wolf Farm Field Trip

October 27th:  Fall Make Up Pictures

October 29th:  Chuck E. Cheese Night (3-9)

October 30th-31st:  No School (workdays)

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Weekly Update: October 6-10

I am so sorry I missed Friday!  I definitely wouldn't have missed if it wasn't important to my family.  :)


This week we will continue to study the Earth, Moon, Sun, and Stars during our guided reading groups.  We will also continue working on asking and answering questions during our group sessions.


We will continue to work on addition, but we have officially introduced subtraction!  We will continue working through word problems and creating equations this week.  We will have our Unit 2 math test on Friday.


We will finish up our unit on the Earth, Moon, Sun, and Stars this week.  We will have our science assessment on Friday.


This week we read the story Beatrice's Goat.  This story is about a little girl and her family.  They live in Uganda and a non-profit organization provided a goat for her family.  This goat ended up providing enough money for the little girl to get an education.  Feel free to click the click to hear a read aloud of the story.

After reading this book, we wrote letters to students in Uganda.  These letters will be given to students in Uganda by a leader of a non-profit organization in Uganda (who is personal friends with our instructional coach).  Hopefully, we will receive letters back from these students.  We are hoping to become pen pals with these students. :)

Upcoming Events:

October 7th:  Cookie Dough money is due.

October 10th:  I will be attending a training on Dyslexia as the chair of our RtI Team.  Our class will have a sub that day.

October 13th: This week is National School Lunch Week.  Parents of K-1 parents are invited to eat lunch with their child on October 13th.

October 15th:  Wear a sports shirt for National School Lunch Week!!

October 17th: Ident-a-Kid (more information to come)

October 23rd:  Box Top Collection and Cookie Dough Pick-Up

October 28th:  Chuck E. Cheese Night (3-9pm)

October 30th:  No School (workday)

October 31st:  No School (workday)

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Weekly Update: Sept. 29-Oct. 3rd

I can't wait to get back to class tomorrow!  I missed my kiddos!!  They were so good for the substitute!! She was so impressed with their behavior!

I learned so much at my training and I can't wait to incorporate the strategies into my classroom!


Over the next two weeks we will be learning about the Earth, Moon, Sun, and Stars. We will use our guided reading books and other resources in order to master Science and ELA standards.

-This week your child will be completing reading stations at their own pace.  Once they've completed their journal, RAZ Kids, and practiced Letterland words through Spelling City, they will have the opportunity to complete a Webquest on the Earth, Moon, Sun, and Stars!  


This week we will continue adding numbers.  We will focus on counting on.  Put the greater number in your head and then count on.

-Your child will begin working through math quests in order to show understanding and mastery of math concepts.  Each student will work at his/her own pace through the different tasks in each quest.  I gave a pretest last week, and each student was awarded experience points based on the score.  Experience points can be used toward a task they feel they have already mastered.

*Don't forget about our fundraiser!!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Weekly Update: September 22-26

Talk Like a Pirate Day:

We had so much fun dressing up like pirates for "Talk Like a Pirate Day."

After reading the book, How I Became a Pirate, students worked together to create their own pirate stories using the app Toontastic Jr.  They had a blast creating their stories and using their voices to tell the story!

Next Week:


We will begin guided reading groups. . . finally!!!  We are focusing on story elements as well as learning to use strategies that good readers use as they read. . . making predictions, paying attention to vocabulary, etc.

Shared Reading - Poem of the Week

Here is our Poem of the Week:


This week we will begin using pictures to add numbers and we will begin creating equations from story problems.  Give your child a story problem and help him/her draw pictures to solve! :)

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday:  Fundraiser Kickoff
Wednesday and Thursday:  I will be absent.  I have to attend a training. Mrs. McAlister will be my sub.  Please make sure you send in notes if your child will not be going home the normal way.

Friday:  No School - Workday

Scholastic Book Order:
Please check out the blog post below for more information about our book order! :)