Sunday, September 28, 2014

Weekly Update: Sept. 29-Oct. 3rd

I can't wait to get back to class tomorrow!  I missed my kiddos!!  They were so good for the substitute!! She was so impressed with their behavior!

I learned so much at my training and I can't wait to incorporate the strategies into my classroom!


Over the next two weeks we will be learning about the Earth, Moon, Sun, and Stars. We will use our guided reading books and other resources in order to master Science and ELA standards.

-This week your child will be completing reading stations at their own pace.  Once they've completed their journal, RAZ Kids, and practiced Letterland words through Spelling City, they will have the opportunity to complete a Webquest on the Earth, Moon, Sun, and Stars!  


This week we will continue adding numbers.  We will focus on counting on.  Put the greater number in your head and then count on.

-Your child will begin working through math quests in order to show understanding and mastery of math concepts.  Each student will work at his/her own pace through the different tasks in each quest.  I gave a pretest last week, and each student was awarded experience points based on the score.  Experience points can be used toward a task they feel they have already mastered.

*Don't forget about our fundraiser!!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Weekly Update: September 22-26

Talk Like a Pirate Day:

We had so much fun dressing up like pirates for "Talk Like a Pirate Day."

After reading the book, How I Became a Pirate, students worked together to create their own pirate stories using the app Toontastic Jr.  They had a blast creating their stories and using their voices to tell the story!

Next Week:


We will begin guided reading groups. . . finally!!!  We are focusing on story elements as well as learning to use strategies that good readers use as they read. . . making predictions, paying attention to vocabulary, etc.

Shared Reading - Poem of the Week

Here is our Poem of the Week:


This week we will begin using pictures to add numbers and we will begin creating equations from story problems.  Give your child a story problem and help him/her draw pictures to solve! :)

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday:  Fundraiser Kickoff
Wednesday and Thursday:  I will be absent.  I have to attend a training. Mrs. McAlister will be my sub.  Please make sure you send in notes if your child will not be going home the normal way.

Friday:  No School - Workday

Scholastic Book Order:
Please check out the blog post below for more information about our book order! :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Scholastic Book Order

 If we could manage a $300.00 order, I would get 10,000 points to order free books for our classroom!!! Wow!  It takes anywhere from 15-120 points per book.  Imagine the new books I could get for our room!!  

We also get a free book for every online order!! :)

Scholastic Books orders are due by September 30th. 

Click here to order books today!  

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Weekly Update: September 15-19


Please look over the spelling test with your child.  If words were spelled incorrectly it was counted wrong.  One point was deducted for incorrect use of capitals, not capitalizing names, or writing letters backwards.  Please use Letterland homework time to discuss these mistakes and have your child make corrections.


This week we will focus on setting reading goals and starting our data notebooks.  We will continue reading stations as I pull small groups to work on data notebooks.

Poem of the Week:
Sorry!  I forgot to post our poem last week.  Oops!

Here is our poem for this week:

Your child should have a book-in-a-bag in their book bag starting Monday.  Please make sure you complete the reading log or AR (Accelerated Reader) log inside the blue folder each night.  If your child is reading a level E or higher he/she is expected to take at least two AR tests a week.  Just check the "Ready to Test?" box when your child is ready for an AR test.


We are finishing up our first math unit.  We will have our first math test on Thursday!  Please review partner numbers of the numbers 1-10 with your child.

Don't forget to have your child complete math homework each night.  So far, everyone has been turning in math homework each day!  You guys are awesome!! :)

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday, September 16th:  Treasure Trove of Conservation Play 

Wednesday, September 17th:  FALL PICTURES

Friday, September 19th:  TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY!!!  Dress up like a pirate!!  You can even swing by Krispy Kreme all dressed up and get a dozen free doughnuts!!  :)

September 23rd:  Fundraiser Kick-Off
September 26th:  No School 

I hope everyone has an amazing week!  I can't wait to spend mine with your special kiddos! They make my heart smile! :)

**I haven't forgotten about posting pictures.  I'm still waiting for a few more permission forms then I will be all set to start posting.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Curriculum Night

Thank you so much to those parents who were able to attend Curriculum Night this evening.  I know many families had prior obligations and were unable to attend, so I wanted to update you all with any new information that was discussed.

Book-in-a-Bag (Accelerated Reader/Reading Log):

As we finish up testing this week, we will be ready to send books home.  Your child will receive a book-in-a-bag.  Inside this bag will either be a guided reading book or Accelerated Reader book.  If you child is on a Level E or higher, he/she will be expected to take at least 2 AR tests a week.  If your child is reading a Level D or lower, he/she will be expected to read a book each night.

Along with the book, you will also find a folder.  Please complete the folder each evening so we will know your child has read.  When your child is ready to take an AR test (sometimes they need to read it two-three times before they are ready), please initial the form.  Your child will turn in their book-in-a-bag and we will know it's time to test.

If you child is not taking AR tests, please fill out the reading log in order to document that your child read.

**A note will come home with these folder. :)

Reader's Response:

Part of the state reading assessment includes a writing comprehension portion.  In order to ensure our students are proficient at the end of first grade we will send home reader's responses to those students who are reading at a Level F or higher.  This will come a little later in the year, but I want to make sure you have the heads up.

Money Bags:

Tomorrow you will find a ziploc bag inside your child's pencil pouch (in the binder).  In this pouch you will find a laminated card and marker.  If you have money to send in, please fill out the card, put the money and card in the bag, and place inside the zipper pouch.  I will have students check in these pouches each day. . . I hope. :)  This will help us get all money to the correct places.

Field Trips:

I updated the Field Trip's page on the main page of the blog.  Here are our field trips for the year:

Red Wolf Farms
-October 24th

The Nutty Nutcracker Play
-December 16th

Zootastic Park
-April 24th

I believe this covers the any new information discussed.

If you were able to attend Curriculum Night and you can think of anything to add to this list, please comment below!!! Thanks! :)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Weekly Update: September 8-12

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Please sign and turn in Website and App Permission form.  We are ready to start using many of these apps and websites this week.  Please try to get this form turned in on Monday!  Thank you!! :)


Thank you, thank you, thank you, for looking over your child's homework this past week!  This week your child will have the exact same homework.  

There should be a math paper in the math homework folder.  Please complete 5 problems a night.  This week will start with Day 5.  It would be great if you could check these five problems and continue to put your initials in the score box.

This week I will be sending home a blank sheet of paper stapled to their Letterland word list.  Please use one side of the paper for the 5 sentences and the other side for the practice test on Thursday evening.  I take these up each morning to make sure the assignment is complete and then your child will place it back in the reading homework folder.

**Please focus on your child writing words with lowercase letters unless the word starts a sentence or name.


I am still testing. :( My goal is to be finished by the end of the week.  We will continue working through independent reading stations this week.  Hopefully, I will be ready to start reading groups next week!


We are still working on the break-apart strategy.  Have your students show you how to break apart the numbers 1-10.

Social Studies:

This week we will be learning about the compass rose and how to read a map.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, September 8th:  CURRICULUM NIGHT beginning at 5:30

Tuesday, September 9th:  Grandparents Day- We eat lunch from 11:20-11:45.

Monday, September 1, 2014


Your child will begin bringing home homework tomorrow!  Yay!  They keep asking me to send some home, so now they are getting their wish!!

Letterland Homework:

Your child will have Letterland Homework each night (Mon-Thurs).  Please spend a few minutes to do this homework with your child.  You will find this homework in your child's "Reading Homework" folder inside the binder.

Math Homework:

Your child will also have math homework Monday-Thursday.  Your child will be responsible for completing 5 problems a night (1 Day according to the sheet).  Please check his/her work and make sure these problems are completed correctly.  Feel free to go over any missed problems and work through those problems together.  If you go over the homework, please place your initials in the score box.  You will find this homework in your child's "Math Homework" folder inside the binder.

Reading Homework:

Eventually, your child will have reading homework.  We will begin sending home a book-in-a-bag once testing is completed and I have all reading levels.  Please continue reading books from home until testing is complete.

Please let me know if you have any questions.