Thank you so much to those parents who were able to attend Curriculum Night this evening. I know many families had prior obligations and were unable to attend, so I wanted to update you all with any new information that was discussed.
Book-in-a-Bag (Accelerated Reader/Reading Log):
As we finish up testing this week, we will be ready to send books home. Your child will receive a book-in-a-bag. Inside this bag will either be a guided reading book or Accelerated Reader book. If you child is on a Level E or higher, he/she will be expected to take at least 2 AR tests a week. If your child is reading a Level D or lower, he/she will be expected to read a book each night.
Along with the book, you will also find a folder. Please complete the folder each evening so we will know your child has read. When your child is ready to take an AR test (sometimes they need to read it two-three times before they are ready), please initial the form. Your child will turn in their book-in-a-bag and we will know it's time to test.
If you child is not taking AR tests, please fill out the reading log in order to document that your child read.
**A note will come home with these folder. :)
Reader's Response:
Part of the state reading assessment includes a writing comprehension portion. In order to ensure our students are proficient at the end of first grade we will send home reader's responses to those students who are reading at a Level F or higher. This will come a little later in the year, but I want to make sure you have the heads up.
Money Bags:
Tomorrow you will find a ziploc bag inside your child's pencil pouch (in the binder). In this pouch you will find a laminated card and marker. If you have money to send in, please fill out the card, put the money and card in the bag, and place inside the zipper pouch. I will have students check in these pouches each day. . . I hope. :) This will help us get all money to the correct places.
Field Trips:
I updated the Field Trip's page on the main page of the blog. Here are our field trips for the year:
Red Wolf Farms
-October 24th
The Nutty Nutcracker Play
-December 16th
Zootastic Park
-April 24th
I believe this covers the any new information discussed.
If you were able to attend Curriculum Night and you can think of anything to add to this list, please comment below!!! Thanks! :)