Sunday, October 26, 2014

Weekly Update: October 27-29th


This week we will continue working on retelling.  We will be reading LOTS of Halloween books this week!  We will also carve our classroom pumpkin, complete pumpkin observations, and a writing activity.


I'm excited about our fun Halloween graphing activity this week as well as other Halloween stations.

This is a short week!  Only a three day week!  Thursday and Friday are workdays, so0oo. . . NO SCHOOL! :)  

Upcoming Events:

October 27th:  Fall Make-Up Pictures
October 28th:  Chuck E. Cheese Night (3-9)
October 29th: Fall Party 2:15-2:45
October 30th and 31st:  No School

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Red Wolf Farm Field Trip

We had an amazing time on our field trip!!  Thank you to the parents who were able to chaperone this trip! You help was appreciated!! :)

Monday, October 20, 2014

Weekly Update: October 20-24

I was out of town today, and I will also be out of town tomorrow.  I am attending a conference as a member of our School Improvement Team.

Field Trip:

This is just a reminder that we have our first field trip October 24th to Red Wolf Farm.  We plan on leaving by 8:15, so please make sure your child is on time for school.

If you plan on chaperoning this field trip, please meet us at Red Wolf Farm in Maiden, NC by 9:00.  Please purchase your ticket upon arrival.

8:15- Buses will leave Shuford to head to Red Wolf Farm
9:00-10:15- Wagon ride and animal tour at farm.
10:15-12:30-  We will rotate groups and visit the corn boxes/tractors, the playground, the maze, and the pumpkin patch.  We will eat lunch in the picnic area.

We will be back before the end of the school day.


This week we will begin focusing on retelling a story including the characters and setting as well as a beginning, middle, and end.  Please focus on this skill as you read with your child each night.


We are working on solving and creating story problems (addition and subtraction).

Student Pictures:

If your child is retaking their pictures then they MUST BRING BACK THEIR FIRST PICTURES AND TURN THEM IN WHEN THEY TAKE THEIR SECOND ONES. This helps to ensure that they get the same package but different picture! 

Blood Drive:

Our school Blood Drive is tomorrow, October 21st, from 3pm to 7pm.  We would LOVE to have your support!

Upcoming Events:

October 21st:  Blood Drive
October 24th:  Field Trip to Red Wolf Farm

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Weekly Update: October 13-17

Thank you to those who were able to raise money for our fundraiser!!


This week we will continue guided reading groups.  We will be using pumpkin books as we focus on retelling stories with a beginning, middle, and end.


This week we will continue working on addition and subtraction, but we will begin looking at equations with an unknown number.  Here is an example word problem:

There were 7 pumpkins on the porch.  3 of the pumpkins had been carved for Halloween.  How many pumpkins have not been carved?

Math Quests:
We will continue working through our math quests.  Last week, I let them use the entire station time working through quests. . . not my best plan!! Haha  This week we will go back to our three math stations, but one station will be working through their quests.  Here is what our quest looks like.  Feel free to download the Nearpod app and put in the codes to see what we are working on in class! :)

I've also added "Must Do" and "May Do" columns.  Hopefully, this will help students save game time for last! :)

Click here to check out the Webquest.

Classroom Parties:
Don't forget to complete the form below!!!

Upcoming Events:

Monday, October 13th – K-1 Parents invited to eat lunch with students.

Wednesday, October 15th:  I will be out for the second half of the day.  I have been asked to sit on a district committee that afternoon.

Friday, October 17th:  Ident-a-Kid

October 21st:  Student Council Blood Drive!!!

October 23rd:  Box Top Collection

October 24th:  Red Wolf Farm Field Trip

October 27th:  Fall Make Up Pictures

October 29th:  Chuck E. Cheese Night (3-9)

October 30th-31st:  No School (workdays)

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Weekly Update: October 6-10

I am so sorry I missed Friday!  I definitely wouldn't have missed if it wasn't important to my family.  :)


This week we will continue to study the Earth, Moon, Sun, and Stars during our guided reading groups.  We will also continue working on asking and answering questions during our group sessions.


We will continue to work on addition, but we have officially introduced subtraction!  We will continue working through word problems and creating equations this week.  We will have our Unit 2 math test on Friday.


We will finish up our unit on the Earth, Moon, Sun, and Stars this week.  We will have our science assessment on Friday.


This week we read the story Beatrice's Goat.  This story is about a little girl and her family.  They live in Uganda and a non-profit organization provided a goat for her family.  This goat ended up providing enough money for the little girl to get an education.  Feel free to click the click to hear a read aloud of the story.

After reading this book, we wrote letters to students in Uganda.  These letters will be given to students in Uganda by a leader of a non-profit organization in Uganda (who is personal friends with our instructional coach).  Hopefully, we will receive letters back from these students.  We are hoping to become pen pals with these students. :)

Upcoming Events:

October 7th:  Cookie Dough money is due.

October 10th:  I will be attending a training on Dyslexia as the chair of our RtI Team.  Our class will have a sub that day.

October 13th: This week is National School Lunch Week.  Parents of K-1 parents are invited to eat lunch with their child on October 13th.

October 15th:  Wear a sports shirt for National School Lunch Week!!

October 17th: Ident-a-Kid (more information to come)

October 23rd:  Box Top Collection and Cookie Dough Pick-Up

October 28th:  Chuck E. Cheese Night (3-9pm)

October 30th:  No School (workday)

October 31st:  No School (workday)