Sunday, March 29, 2015

Weekly Update - March 30th-April 3rd

Thank you to those parents who have signed up to send in items for our Math Egg Hunt!  If you are still interested in signing up we have a few spots open.  Click here for the document.
**Please send in items by April 1st so I can prepare for the egg hunt.  

April 3rd:

This is a make-up day.  We will have a regular school day.


The first grade team has decided that we will NO longer send home math homework.  We hope this will give you more time to spend on extra curricular activities or more time to spend with your family.  We will use our morning time as students are unpacking to continue reviewing math skills.  If you notice your child comes home with a paper where he/she struggled it would be great if you could review those concepts with your child.  I usually circle items that were incorrect and we go over them together and I have them make corrections, but you could always create similar problems for your child to.

Monday:  Read, LL Day 1, and RRJ
Tuesday:  Read and LL Day 2
Wednesday: Read and RRJ
Thursday: Read and LL Day 6
Friday:  Spelling Test


This week we will not have guided reading groups.  I will be using trade books as interactive read alouds to work on specific skills.  We will then complete activities around these read alouds.


This week we will review odd and even numbers.  We will use the Marcy Cook program to review odd and even.  

Upcoming Events:
March 31st:  I will be attending a training for the day.  
April 3rd:  Regular School Day
April 6-10:  SpRiNg BrEaK!!!!! :)
April 17th:  Spring Pictures
April 20th:  Report Cards go home
April 23rd:  I will be attending a training for the day.
April 29th-May1st:  I will be attending the Camp Kanuga trip with my oldest daughter! 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Weekly Update: March 23-27

Tomorrow I will be visiting a school in Concord for part of the day.  This school has implemented blended learning throughout all grade levels.  I'm sure I will learn so much that I can bring back to my classroom!   I am so excited!


This week we will continue guided reading groups.  As your reading with your child ask him/her about the setting, characters, and the major events of the story.  I've been so impressed with their written responses!  I've seen lots of growth! :)


This week we will measure using nonstandard units (paper clips, counters, etc).  We will be putting things in order from shortest to tallest or shortest to longest and vice versa.  It would be great if you could use the following vocabulary with your students at home:  shortest, tallest, longest, and height

Upcoming Events:

April 3rd:  We will have school.  This is a make-up day from a previous snow day.

April 6-10:  Spring Break!  :)

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Weekly Update: March 9-13

Read Across America:

We had a great time celebrating Dr. Seuss' Birthday with Read Across America week!  Thank you to our mystery readers who were able to come read.  I hate that I missed our visitors on Thursday!

Leprechaun Traps:

It's that time of year again when those pesky leprechauns are up to their old tricks!  We will not let them trick us this year and get out gold!  We will be building leprechaun traps.  If you have any of the following materials please send them in by Friday, March 13th.

-cereal boxes
-Kleenex boxes
-shoe boxes
-toilet paper or paper towel tubes
-fake gold coins
-Popsicle sticks

Upcoming Events:

Monday, March 9th:  Progress Reports go home

Thursday, March 12th:  Music Concert - at the middle school

Monday, March 2, 2015

Mystery Readers!!!!

Today we had our first mystery readers!!! The kids were so excited!!!  Thank you so much to Cove Church, Mr. Whitener, and Mr. Osborne!!!  Thank you for taking time out of your hectic schedule to visit with us!

We also had a grandmother visit for lunch and she swung by the room to share a book.  Thank you!  I'm so sorry I forgot to snap a picture!!

Please excuse the blurry pictures.  I need to bring my real camera to school for these days! :)

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Weekly Update: March 2-6

Read Across America:

This week we will be celebrating Dr. Seuss' Birthday with Read Across America!!

Mixed Up Monday 
-Wear mixed up clothing (shirts backwards, inside out, mismatched, etc.)

Top Hat Tuesday
-Wear your favorite hat!

**Tuesday is also Reading Night!  Come join us from 5:30-7:00 for games, cake, storytelling, visit the book fair, and receive a free book!!!

Wacky Wednesday
Wear your wackiest socks!

Theodor Thursday:  
Dress like your favorite Dr. Suess Character

Funny Food Friday:
Wear green!

Leprechaun Traps:

It's that time of year again when those pesky leprechauns are up to their old tricks!  We will not let them trick us this year and get out gold!  We will be building leprechaun traps.  If you have any of the following materials please send them in by Friday, March 13th.

-cereal boxes
-Kleenex boxes
-shoe boxes
-toilet paper or paper towel tubes
-fake gold coins
-Popsicle sticks

Upcoming Events:

March 5th and 6th:  I will be attending NCTIES (a state technology conference).  

March 9th:  Progress Reports (this is a change of date)

**Please check out the March newsletter under the Newsletter page on the blog.